A Helpful Meditation

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A Helpful Meditation

Here is a meditation that I know you will find helpful. Many of you have asked me, “What does meditation have to do with stuttering.” “Why meditate when all I want to do is stop stuttering?” So, I want to tell you why meditation is so beneficial.
We know that people who stutter are using their speech production system in a different way than people who don’t stutter. One of the key differences is that the stuttering system requires the speaker’s control over talking, while the system of people in the flow works automatically.
Giving up control is not easy, because it is rooted in beliefs, fears, emotions past experiences, and habits. Meditation helps you to get beyond all this so that you can make changes without interference.
When you meditate your body is in a relaxed state; your breathing naturally slows down and you slow down your brain waves. The noise in your head quiets down so that you are no longer working to analyze and judge your thoughts. You clear your mind from your fears and increase your internal focus. In this state you rewire your brain and recondition your body to create your inner world as you want it to be.
Most people are very concerned with the external world. In stuttering this translates to worry about the speech that will come out and the reactions of others. It might also involve judging yourself or concern with how others will judge you. As you speak, you are living in your past experiences that may be emotionally charged with memories of being unable to speak.
When you meditate, you develop internal focus and gain insights about yourself. You gain balance between your inner world and the world beyond you. The past no longer exists as you become more aware in the present moment. It is here in the present where you make changes that permeate deeply within yourself, changes that will give you balance and mindfulness in your life. #mindfulness #stuttering #stammering
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