Webinars with John Harison

Stop Holding Back Your Inner Fluency

Would you love to find the joy in speaking?

Do you want to help yourself make changes, but you are unsure what you need to do?

You can speak with the experts to make sense of the perplexing problem that is stuttering

Join John Harrison and Barbara Dahm in this webinar to hear how letting go of speech controls will allow you to speak naturally. If you are ready to join our free webinar, Sign up here!

The amazing things you will gain at this webinar

• Get the answers to all the perplexing questions related to stuttering
• See how you are unknowingly holding back your ability to speak fluently
• Learn what yo can do to bring about the results you want.
• Learn a unique holistic treatment approach that changes the way people who stutter produce speech

Barbara Dahm is a Board Certified Fluency Specialist with over 30 years experience in treating people who stutter. During that time she discovered a unique holistic method for treating people who stutter that enables them to transform stuttering into routine speech that you can take for granted. Her vast experience and hands on problem solving while treating several thousand people of all ages who stutter gave her the knowledge of how to overcome stuttering.

John Harrison is a person who knows stuttering first hand. Many years ago he found the way speak naturally. Since then he has freely shared the wealth of his knowledge about stuttering through his leadership in the stuttering community, lectures, seminars, personal meetings, of course, through his seminal book, Redefining Stuttering.

The technical:

When: March 17, 2019 at 10:00 am Pacific time; 1:00 pm Eastern; 5:00 pm London time
Where: Sign up here! from wherever you are
What will you need: your computer or mobile device

Don't forget to save the date!

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Begin your path to fluency. Schedule your personal assessment at no cost with Barbara Dahm.