Since I was a child, stuttering was a problem to me: I didn’t have the voice that I needed for expressing my ideas and dreams to others. Still, I never stopped looking for the best way to communicate freely. Barbara´s approach was the most useful path for becoming the speaker that I always wanted to be: Her unconventional way- Physical and psychological-about stuttering has challenged my beliefs about speaking and has given me a new way to use my voice in the world. I know I have a long way to go but I am where I want to be. Kelly Tabra, 32 years old, psychologist from Peru
Thank you so much for giving us this course. The ppts were really very clear, and you broke everything down really well, so we can understand the concepts completely. I really feel very empowered now! Mirelle
Thanks so much for a great course, it was so enjoyable, informative, clear and very enlightening! Thank you, Faigy Parnes
Thanks for an outstanding course with such a unique approach to stuttering. All the best, Ruchi
Barbara, I just wanted to reach out and thank you for your help with Wilkes. I feel like he has improved. It is apparent when he speaks on the phone, and his grandmother and dad have noticed the difference. I can tell you are dedicated to what you do. Thanks so much. Hope you are doing well and lets stay in touch. Michael C. Brown
Barbara, I gotta say, in my 40 years in the stuttering self-help community, you are the very first SLP who I feel REALLY gets it. Regards, John Harrison
The Dynamic Stuttering Therapy course that I participated in was thorough and the learning experience was fascinating and enriching, both in its theoretical and practical aspects. Dear Barbara, I wanted to thank you for your patience and attention to each and every one. You gave yourself throughout the whole course. Indeed, we felt that we had come out with a practical tool, different from anything we knew. And it's so natural to treat stuttering!
Dear Barbara, Your course gave me a completely new perspective on stuttering. It is more than a method; its a way of looking at things, a natural way that takes into consideration the anatomical, physiological and mental state of the individual client. This approach doesn’t focus on the stuttering and its elimination, but rather focuses on the natural free way of speaking, and gives operative tools to reach it. You’re approach is so logical and it answers so many questions I've had. It is philosophical on one hand, and practical on the other hand, full of rationale and step by step exercises. Learning from you was an overwhelming experience, and today I already see a big positive difference in my patients way of speaking. Thank you so much!
- This is just to say thank you for having me on the workshop. It was a great experience and I'm very glad to have attended. It was a great opportunity to meet other PWS from around the world, and I think I gained many valuable insights overall. There's a lot of work to be done but I'm confident about the way forward, and that's thanks to your workshop. It has given me a sense of a concreteness with regards to how to go about 'disappearing stuttering' - a solid framework that I didn't quite get from any of the books I had read on the subject before coming to you. Again, thanks for letting me in on that experience. Best, Christopher
- Rivkah had such an amazing experience working with you, Barbara. She gained so much in her speech and really feels confident and good about it. I hear a major change on the phone as well. She speaks so highly of you, and enjoyed all the conversations she had with you. Your intelligence, good nature and optimism made each session so interesting , comfortable and non-pressuring. . She really enjoyed every session with you! I would like to express our tremendous gratitude for all you have done. May you be blessed you with continued success, good health and everything good. We feel very blessed that you were sent to us.
Hi Barbara, First of all, thank you for the online session we had. I really enjoyed talking to you and of course reviewing the natural and normal way of speaking that disappeared from me for some time. The session was very successful and I got a lot out of it. I learned a lot about myself and about the way to speak. (more…)
The workshop puts a new perspective on the treatment of stuttering. It demonstrates a total approach to therapy and provides practical and useful advise for clinical practice.” My clients often come into therapy feeling helpless. After a few sessions they see clearly that there is no sound or word that they cannot say and this gives them the great courage they need in order to develop correct speech habits. The beauty of this program is that it’s not about being different than everyone else, but rather it’s about learning to be the same – & they can be the same! As a clinician it’s a pleasure to work with a program that is so thorough in its detail. I have used the method with teenagers and adults with equal success and in every situation have felt the thrill of seeing them develop abilities and confidence Thanks!
Chevy Schwartz
Barbara Dahm presented a workshop to our speech therapists on November 12, 2006. The title of the seminar was “Dynamic Stuttering Therapy: A Dynamic Stuttering Therapy”. This 6-hour presentation was very well received by all those who attended. The participants found that the material was presented in a very professional and organized manner. New techniques were introduced and case studies were reviewed and discussed. The speech therapists went away with hands-on material that they could incorporate into their therapy sessions. Workshop participant.
Hi Barbara, Since we the last session, I must say that there has been a definite change in the way Josh speaks. I can’t tell you the change that has occurred. It seems like he really has just GOT IT. He has control of his speech and it has lasted well over a week. This is the longest that a notable change has been observed. Last night, he had 30 minute telephone conversation with his friend – absoultely beautiful speech. (more…)
Hi Barbara, It’s Kelly. I thought I’d send you an email just keeping in touch letting you know of my progress. I’ve never been happier with my speech! I’ve been working with my therapist a lot on certain internal issues like my tendency to constantly judge myself and I’ve really seen a turn around, so has my therapist and boyfriend. My stutter has dramatically decreased in the past months, I’ve never felt more free. I’m learning to live outside my own head and I’ve really taken a lot away from Ruth Mead’s book, it was honestly the best book I’ve ever read, I could relate so much to her words. (more…)
Hello Barbara! You are my hero, you made me believe, I have no doubts about that! You know yesterday, I went to the stuttering association meeting.. It was only 5 people; I decided to facilitate & read the rules & stuff.. Words were flowing effortlessly while reading.. Then came the sharing part; I had 3 or 4 slight stumbles.. Here is the thing, the more I open up, the more I am in the moment & then speech doesn’t become an issue. (more…)
Mouhamadou A. Hane
Barbara, I would be delighted for you to share my recording on your website! Using my name is fine as well. I believe in your methods and know they work. If I can help even one person pursue this therapy it would be an honor. What you taught me is a brilliant concept and if applied correctly and practiced can make speaking enjoyable and open so many doors. As someone who stutters I felt so alone in my battle and I always thought it was something I would live with and struggle with forever. Speaking doesn’t have to be hard or labored. (more…)
Claire Jones