Barbara Dahm - Dynamic Stuttering Therapy

Barbara Dahm is a Board Certified Specialist in Fluency Disorders and the developer of a revolutionary and life-changing treatment approach for stuttering that has been clinically shown to lead normally fluent speech
Follow 5 Steps to speaking naturally...
Step 1 - Learn what you really need to change.
Step 2 - Explore how you have been interfering with your ability to speak fluently.
Step 3 - Use your ability to speak like normally fluent speakers .
Step 4 - Think like a normally fluent speaker .
Step 5 - Joyfully practice speaking naturally.
How we help?
We bring a perspective to the field of stuttering that shows how people who stutter can become fluent speakers.
We help people understand how stuttering is created and how an individual can allow the normal processes for speaking to emerge from within.
By giving up control and changing the negative thoughts and beliefs about speaking, and one’s self, people who stutter increase self-esteem, reduce the fear of stuttering, feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and in general experience the flow of normal communication.
Teaching Professionals
Through our professional seminars, courses and our publications, we give clinicians the expertise needed for successful treatment for people of all ages who stutter.
Stuttering therapy becomes an exciting and rewarding branch of speech pathology, because when clients achieve the goals of Dynamic Stuttering Therapy, the result of therapy is naturally fluent speech.
This brings both personal and professional satisfaction to clinicians who know they have been instrumental in giving their clients a life changing experience.