
July 5, 2017

Using a Computer and Speaking – the commonality

What does using your computer and speaking have in common? Well, for most of us non-geeks, the most blatant similarity is that we use it without having a clue of how it works. When I bought my first computer, I […]
July 5, 2017

Speaking and Getting Dressed -The Commonality

What do getting dressed and speaking have in common? What could this be? Actually there is so much that they have in common. First off, we pretty much need to do both of them every day. Well, maybe on the […]
July 4, 2016

The Evolution of Dynamic Stuttering Therapy

Over 20 years ago, I decided to devote all my time and effort as a Speech Clinician to one specific communication disorder – stuttering. It was then that I resigned as a public school speech therapist and opened Communication Therapy […]
July 4, 2016

Not a Cure, Just Effective Treatment

Stuttering has been a puzzling condition to people throughout time. There are so many conflicting theories that seem to contradict one another and every so often someone claims to have found the magic bullet for its cure. During the early […]