
July 3, 2016

The Fluctuations In Stuttering

An almost universal aspect of stuttering is that people who stutter don’t always stutter. There is a small number of people who do stutter more or less the same way and to the same degree whenever they talk. However, they […]
July 3, 2016

The Connection Between Speech Anxiety and Stuttering

Most people who stutter believe that anxiety causes stuttering or increases stuttering severity. There is an obvious link between anxiety and stuttering, but, as with most aspects of the condition of stuttering, there is more to it than meets the […]
July 3, 2016

It’s time for a new theory on stuttering therapy

This week I am traveling to Tampa, Fla., to the ASHA Special Interest Division in Fluency Disorders 2010 Leadership and Clinical Conference. The title of the conference is “Unique Challenges and Common Themes in Stuttering Assessment, Treatment, and Research”. I […]
July 3, 2016

My thoughts after the ASHA Division Conference

The ASHA Special Interest Division in Fluency Disorders 2010 Leadership and Clinical Conference is now over. I think it was one of the best of our Division conferences that I have been to. I was very heartened by the content […]